Advertise for the Holidays!

TC Jewfolk is offering a new opportunity for your business to reach our desirable audience over the course of the year by placing your advertising message for holidays throughout the year.

TC Jewfolk is THE online hub and community for all things Jewish in the Twin Cities. We reach, on average, 10,000 individuals each and every month. And, no surprise, our readers are not only brilliant, they are highly educated, with 44% having a master’s degree or higher. They represent a prime demographic of majority females between the ages of 25-44 with household incomes, on average, of $125,000. It’s obvious why your business should reach out to our audience!

Three opportunities throughout the year

High Holidays 2017

Wish ou2947592200_affa21563c_zr readers a Shana Tova – a sweet and happy new year – for a month. Your ad will rotate throughout the run of the site along with other advertisers on our sidebar. You’ll get an average of more than 15,000 impressions/month.

Single-ad price (month-long): $225

Chanukah 20172138019942_375ac503f0_m

A Happy Chanukah/Hannukah/ Channuka message is a great way to keep your business top of mind with TC Jewfolk’s audience. Your ad will rotate throughout the run of the site along with other advertisers on our sidebar. You’ll get an average of more than 15,000 impressions/month.

Single-ad price (month-long): $225


447941491_2ac1b00e36_mPassover 2018

The third opportunity to reach out to our readers is in the spring of 2017 in the month leading up to Passover. Your ad will rotate throughout the run of the site along with other advertisers on our sidebar. You’ll get an average of more than 15,000 impressions/month.

Single-ad price (month-long): $225

Advertise for all three
Package-ad price (all three holidays totaling three months): $500

Completing this form does not in any way obligate you to place an ad. Once we receive your information, we will be in touch ASAP about ad specifics, timing, and details of your request.

[contact-form-7 id=”44510″ title=”5777 Biz Ad Opportunities”]

Ad specs can be found here.