Breaking into a Career, MOT Style

This is a guest post by Aaron Elezra. Aaron contributed this guest post on behalf of Aaron is a freelance writer with an extensive career in human resources management. To find out more about the gap year programs in Israel, visit the website.
Once you complete or nearly complete a degree in your chosen major, it can be difficult, particularly in this stressed global economy, to break into your field and begin your climb up the ladder. It can be even more challenging to secure a career with other Hebrew compatriots, which is often preferable when beginning a new path in your life. An Israeli internship, however, can dramatically alter your career prospects and help steer you toward your bright future. Working alongside both Hebrew and English speaking people is rewarding on many levels and an Israeli internship is brimming with benefits that will enhance your career, but also fulfill an important part of your life!
Rewarding Experience
While it can be difficult to secure an internship in many parts of the world, let alone in one’s own city, you may have immense opportunities in your field in Israel. The nation promotes connections with MOTs from around the world and welcomes visitors to work in its cities alongside a nurturing Hebrew community. While interning in Israel can certainly be personally rewarding, it is definitely a solid step to obtain experience in your career field. You’ll gain important learning experiences in companies and organizations that want you to succeed and are delighted to welcome you into their fold, even if only temporarily.
Professional Contacts
Interning in Israel can also garner you many professional references and secure personal contacts that may even last a lifetime. While many college graduates merely have their professors’ letters to recommend them for this or that position, you will have international business experience that suggests to potential employers that you are worldly, serious about your career, and experienced. While interning, you will likely meet many people who may become your professional network; the people in the network you build can provide you references, but also inform you about potential jobs and offer invaluable advice about your field or about work in general.
Cultural Immersion
The benefits of becoming immersed in Israeli life are incalculably valuable. From in-depth exposure to the Hebrew language to the myriad of historical and cultural attractions to witness—you’ll grow personally just as you grow professionally. While living in any foreign clime can enhance your development as an adult, living and working side by side with your brethren offers you a fundamental and ancient connection to your roots and to a land beloved by centuries of ancestors. You’ll discover what makes Israel unique in today’s world and you’ll become part of its greatness.
Spiritual Connection
One can’t help but feel a powerful connection to the holy land and its spiritual past. There may be no better place on earth to learn the nuances of Judaism and see its practice and fruition in the faces that pass you on the street or greet you in cafes. Many MOTs come to Israel to gain work experience, but they often come to experience the spiritual journey that Jewish people have been making for centuries back to the land of their forefathers.
Safety Concerns
There’s no denying that Israel lies in a volatile part of the world—it has always been so. Yet, many families support and encourage their youth to travel and live in cities like Jerusalem for the many benefits the experience offers. Because international connections are important to Israel, the nation’s various internship programs pay careful attention to safety and security concerns. Moreover, the country is ever-vigilant in its quest to quell terrorist acts of violence. Many travelers feel quite relieved once they become immersed in Israeli life and learn what precautions must be taken when traveling throughout the region.
An Israeli internship will add prestige to your resume and will also become an important experience of your life. There are many enrichment opportunities throughout Israel and your time there can prove to be the time of your life. An important step in your career may also be an important connection to the nation that shares your faith and values its own connection to you.
There are many internship programs that may be researched online; beginning your application process is often as easy as opening your laptop and making that first important click.
(Photo: photologue_np)