Jewish Song of the Week: ‘Dayeinu’ by Nefesh Mountain


Pesach time is here! If you haven’t heard “Dayeinu” sung bluegrass-style before, then buckle up — Nefesh Mountain is about to rock your Passover! Re-imagining ways to sing the songs […]

Make A Plan For Passover Preparation


Dear Miriam, Can you help me plan the time between now and Passover so I don’t get really stressed out and panic in the three days before the holiday? Signed, […]

New To The City, How Do I Find A Seder?


Got a question? E-mail me to submit a question, and to read future Miriam’s Advice Well columns, visit weekly on Thursday. Dear Miriam, I relocated this winter to a […]

Jewish Song of the Week: ‘I Am Enough’ by Josh Goldberg


On JRR we have an amazing show called “Jewish Holiday Remix,” where host and Jewish singer-songwriter Jacob Spike Kraus creates a playlist of songs for specific Jewish holidays that go […]

Passover Seder Matching 2023


A holiday tradition we love: TC Jewfolk’s matchmaking service is back to help find a Passover Seder in your area, or let you invite guests to your meal. Depending on […]