Laila Tov Amy Winehouse

I woke this morning to hear that Amy Winehouse was dead.  What a loss.  Another example of a stunning, talented young artist (she was just 27) lost to drugs and alcohol.
She was also Jewish.  Does it matter?  What do you think?  Does it matter that Adam Sandler is Jewish?  Or Steven Spielberg?
I think we all get a little joy to learn that a star or musician whose art and work we like is an MOT, a Member of the Tribe.  Of course, that brings the double-edged sword that we also feel a bit more pain when they mess up their lives, and embarrass our community.
Winehouse’s Jewishness has oft been a part of how the press discussed her style and talent.  For example, in 2007, the Washington Post said of Winehouse, “Winehouse has an exceptional voice that’s even more striking when you catch a glimpse of its source: a wispy, heavily tattooed young Jewish woman with a mile-high beehive for a hairdo and a Gothic level of mascara caked onto her face. It almost doesn’t compute.”
In honor of Winehouse’s talent, here is the song that rocketed her to the top of the charts, “Rehab.”  We’ll miss her.  Rest in peace Amy. Shalom.


(Photo: NRK P3)