TC Jewfolk is excited to announce our new bi-weekly column “Alef List.” Check out what Alef List columnist ML has to say:
There are always a number of interesting things happening locally in the Twin Cities Jewish community. From parties to concerts to classes, there is always something worthwhile going on. But let’s face it, there’s no way you’re going to make it to most of them. Do I try out that class or take in that show?
That’s where “Alef List” comes in.
The “Alef List” is TC Jewfolk’s A-list. Every other Tuesday I’ll highlight the best of what’s coming up to save you the trouble of wading through it all. I’ll keep an eye on all of the community calendars and cultural listings so you don’t have to. My goal is to let you know about coolest Jewish things, whether they are taking place at a local Jewish Community Center, synagogue, at First Ave, or at an Uptown Minneapolis hot spot. If it’s even peripherally Jewish, it’s game.
Besides keeping busy playing in several bands (including a Jewish one), raising a daughter, studying Jewish thought, and making sure Shabbat dinner is ready, I make my best effort to get to as many Jewish happenings as I can, including Shabbat services, concerts, lectures, and more. I make time to volunteer in the Jewish community and I go to plenty of Jewish community events that aren’t cool enough to make the “Alef List”, that’s for sure. Since I am active with a number of community groups, I’ll let you know if I’m involved or affiliated with a particular event so you’ll know my biases.
Send your questions, suggestions and comments to: I’m sure that I will miss something awesome from time to time, so keep me updated and send me anything you think is cool and Jewish that you’ll be attending, and let me know why. And if you check out any of the happenings I highlight, let me know your thoughts in the comments. See you around town. Peace.