Should I Identify An Advice Column Question Sender?


Got a question? Fill out this form to submit your anonymous question to be answered in a future column Dear Miriam, I read a lot of advice columns (including this […]

Scouts Share ‘Real Story of Israel’ On Recent Tour Stop


“After Oct. 7, it’s really important for people to know who [the real Israelis are],” said Liraz Bar, a member of the 2024 Tzofim Friendship Caravan. Bar, along with the […]

Do I Tell A Stranger They’ve Been Schmeared?


Got a question? Fill out this form to submit your anonymous question to be answered in a future column Dear Miriam, At kiddush this past Shabbat, someone I know by […]

Some Jewish Highlights From This Year’s Tribeca Film Fest


The 23rd annual Tribeca Film Fest, which took place in June, offered a number of Jewish-themed movies and documentaries, on subjects ranging from fashion to a late in life Bat […]

Can I Poll Rural Americans About Kosher Pickles?


Got a question? Fill out this form to submit your anonymous question to be answered in a future column Dear Miriam, My family recently traveled to a rural part of […]

How Do I Pick The Right Talit For My Child’s BMitzvah?


Got a question? Fill out this form to submit your anonymous question to be answered in a future column. Dear Miriam, My child’s B’Mitzvah is coming up in a couple […]