TC Jewfolk’s Holiday Guide for the Twin Cities

Jump To: Purim | Pesach | The Omer

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In 2025/5785 Ta’anit (the fast of) Esther is sunrise to sunset March 13, Purim is sundown March 13 to sundown March 14, and Shushan Purim (Purim celebrated in Jerusalem and other walled cities) is sundown March 14 to sundown March 15. Purim Meshulash (Triple Purim) will occur in walled cities sundown March 15 to sundown March 16 because the 15th of Adar coincides with Shabbat.

About This Holiday

Learn from: Aish (Orthodox)Chabad (Orthodox)Exploring Judaism (Conservative)My Jewish Learning (non-denominational) | Reform Judaism


All events listed at Central Time and are on Zoom if no location is noted. Submit an event here or email [email protected].

Haman’s Hat: Paper Mache and Text Workshop (Shir Tikvah) 12 PM Sunday, February 23. Shir Tikvah (1360 W Minnehaha Pkwy)

Torah Yoga for Purim (Twin Cities Jewish Renewal Community, Mount Zion) 1 PM Sunday, February 23. Mount Zion (1300 Summit Ave, St Paul) $18-25

Purim Sunday Family Fun Day (Heilicher) 10 AM Sunday, March 2. Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School (4330 S Cedar Lake Rd, Minneapolis)

Hamentashen: Kids in the Kitchen (Kenesseth Israel) 10:30 AM Sunday, March 2. Kenesseth Israel (4330 W 28th St, St Louis Park) $8

Hamantaschen Make & Bake (PJ Library Minneapolis, Heilicher) 3 PM Sunday, March 2. Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School (4330 S Cedar Lake Rd, Minneapolis)

Purim Dinner + Spiel (Shir Tikvah) 5 PM Thursday, March 13. Shir Tikvah (1360 W Minnehaha Pkwy) $25

Purim Celebration (Mount Zion) 5:30 PM Thursday, March 13. Mount Zion (1300 Summit Ave, St Paul)

Purim Spiel, Megillah Reading, and Carnival (Mount Zion) 9:30 AM Sunday, March 16. Mount Zion (1300 Summit Ave, St Paul)

Purim Carnival (Shir Tikvah) 11:30 AM Sunday, March 16. Shir Tikvah (1360 W Minnehaha Pkwy) $10-20

Purim Party (Minnesota Hillel) 7 PM Thursday, March 20. Minnesota Hillel Johnson Center (1521 University Ave SE, Minneapolis)

Nosh & Knowledge: Purim (MN Hillel) 11:30 AM Friday, March 21. Minnesota Hillel Johnson Center (1521 University Ave SE, Minneapolis)

Buy Hamentaschen

Adath Jeshurun Pick up March 9, 10, or 11. Flavors: poppyseed, apricot, prune. $10/half dozen or $18/ bakers dozen

Beth El Synagogue Flavors: mixed fruit, chocolate chip, apricot, poppy seed, nutella. $20/dozen

Love Letters Bakery Pick up February 28 or March 14. Flavors: apricot, raspberry, cherry, nutella, poppyseed. $11/half dozen or $22/dozen

Shir Tikvah Pick up in March. Flavors: prune, apricot, poppyseed, chocolate, strawberry. $18/dozen

Further Resources & Reading

11 Reasons Purim Is The Perfect Vegan Holiday (TC Jewfolk)

5 Yoga Poses To Help Turn You Into A Hamantaschen (TC Jewfolk)

Celebrating Purim With Your Family (PJ Library)

DIY Purim Costume Ideas for Kids and Adults (Rebekah Lowin)

“Felt” Like Making Hamentaschen (TC Jewfolk)

Purim, October 7, and Holocaust Inversion (TC Jewfolk)

Purim in Reflection: The Masks We Wear (Jewtina y Co.)

Purim reflections, articles, poems, & more (Ritualwell)

Purim Source Sheets (Sefaria)

Purim sustainability resources (Hazon)

So You Think You Know the Story of the Megillah? (TC Jewfolk)

Who Did The Better ‘Encanto’ Themed Purim Parody? (TC Jewfolk)

Recipes & Crafts

Blue Hamentaschen | Chocolate Hamantaschen | Challatashen | Four Hamantaschen: Pareve, Lemon with Chocolate-Chestnut filling, Cheesy, & Crispy | Hamantaschen with Chocolate Ganache and Poppy Seeds | Melissa’s Hamantaschen | Molten Chocolate Hamantaschen | Mushroom Kreplach | Onion-Poppy Seed Bread Ring | A Trio of Triangle Foods (TC Jewfolk)

Purim Food (The Nosher)

Purim Recipes (Rebekah Lowin)

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In 2025/5785 Pesach begins at sundown April 12 and ends at sundown either April 19 or April 20 depending on practice.

About This Holiday

Learn from: Aish (Orthodox)Chabad (Orthodox)Exploring Judaism (Conservative)My Jewish Learning (non-denominational) | Reform Judaism


Events listed at Eastern Time and are on Zoom if no location is noted. Submit an event by emailing [email protected].

Passover Seder Matching 2025 (TC Jewfolk) submissions close March 21

Freedom Seder (Jewish Community Action) 6 PM Thursday, April 3. Location TBA

Nosh & Knowledge: Passover (Minnesota Hillel) 11:30 AM Friday, April 4. Minnesota Hillel Johnson Center (1521 University Ave SE, Minneapolis)

Pesach Sunday Family Fun Day (Heilicher Jewish Day School) 10 AM Sunday, April 6. Heilicher Jewish Day School (4330 S Cedar Lake Rd)

First Night Seders (Saturday, April 12)

Minnesota Hillel 6 PM Minnesota Hillel Johnson Center (1521 University Ave SE, Minneapolis)

Further Resources & Reading

Free Passover ritual items/foods, delivery available (JFCS Hag Sameach)

A Table for Eight: Embracing Community and Dietary Needs at Passover (TC Jewfolk)

Bringing Teens to the Seder Table (Exploring Judaism)

Celebrating Passover With Your Family (PJ Library)

LGBTQ-affirming articles, rituals, and Torah commentaries (Keshet)

Make A Plan For Passover Preparation (TC Jewfolk)

Parenting By Parsha: Shabbat Pesach (TC Jewfolk)

Passover Articles (Orthodox Union)

Passover Ceremonies, Poems, Songs & more (Ritualwell)

Passover Source Sheets (Sefaria)

Passover & Sustainability (Hazon)

Passover Unbound (Judaism Unbound)

Passover & Mental Health (Blue Dove Foundation)

Pesach Writing & Videos (The Rabbi Sacks Legacy Trust)

Two Kids, Four Questions: How To Appease Children At The Seder? (TC Jewfolk)

What to the Black Jew Is Passover? (Evolve)

What To Do When I Don’t Want To Host Two Seders? (TC Jewfolk)

Haggadot & Haggadah Supplements

Seder Your to Hostages the Bringing (Everyone Counts)

Companion to the Haggadah (Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies)

Customize Your Own Haggadah (Haggadot)

Dancing In Between Haggadah (The LUNAR Collective)

The Fifth Child: A Passover Reading (Jewish Democratic Women for Action)

The Four Cups of Consciousness (Shefa)

The Gateways Haggadah (Gateways)

HIAS Haggadah (HIAS)

In Every Generation: A Haggadah Supplement (Shalom Hartman Institute)

Passover Guide / Guia de Passover(Jewtina & Co.)

Global Justice Haggadah (American Jewish World Service)

Hebrew/English Haggadah (Chabad)

In Every Generation: Interactive Family Haggadah (PJ Library)

Plastover – An Exodus from Plastic Waste (Reboot)

Velveteen Rabbi’s Haggadah for Pesach (Velveteen Rabbi)

The Wandering is Over Haggadah (Jewish Women’s Archive)

Why Is This Night Different? (The iCenter)

Sell Your Chametz

Adath Israel Synagogue


Recipes & Crafts

Almond Macaroons | Andrew Zimmern’s Matzo Ball Soup | Black and White Cookies | Cast-Iron Potato and Carmelized Onion Kugel | Date Charoset | Flourless Chocolate Cake | Howie Mandell’s Matzo Brei | Light As Air Macaroons | Mexican Charoset & Passover Salsa | Passover Crack(er) | Passover-Friendly Black and White Cookies | Surviving Passover: A College Student’s Guide (TC Jewfolk)

47 Passover Recipes for a Delicious Seder and Beyond (Bon Appetit)

7 Charoset Recipes to Give Passover an International Flair (Be’chol Lashon)

Five Kid Friendly Passover Ideas (TC Jewfolk)

Passover Crafts & Activities (Bible Belt Balabusta)

Passover Crafts & Recipes (Our Happy Tribe)

Passover Food (The Nosher)

Passover Recipes, Crafts, & Inspiration (Rebekah Lowin)

Relish: Vegetarian Passover Seder with Imani Jackson (TPT Originals)

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The Omer

We count the Omer for 49 days, starting on the second night of Pesach/Passover and ending with Shavuot. In 2025/5785 the Omer period begins the evening of April 13 and concludes June 1 before sunset.

Lag B’Omer, the 33rd day of the Omer, falls from sundown May 15 – sundown May 16.

About This Holiday

Learn from: Aish (Orthodox)Chabad (Orthodox)Exploring Judaism (Conservative)My Jewish Learning (non-denominational) | Reform Judaism

Classes & Events

Events listed at Central Time and are on Zoom if no location is noted. Submit an event here.

Self-Guided Practices

49 Steps (Limmud North America)

My Omer: 49 Steps to Personal Refinement (Meaningful Life Center)

The Omer Workbook: A 49 Day Self-Care Immersion (Gold Herring)

P.O.P., the Pandemic Omer Project (MN JCC & JCreate)

Further Resources & Tools

Lag B’Omer & Sefirat Ha’Omer Source Sheets (Sefaria)

Omer Ceremonies, Poems, Songs & more (Ritualwell)

What is the Lag BaOmer pilgrimage? (The Conversation)

Writing & Videos on The Omer/Lag B’Omer (The Rabbi Sacks Legacy Trust)

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