High Holiday Guide 2023/5784


We’re a couple weeks away from the start of the Jewish holiday season, so we’re bringing you TC Jewfolk’s comprehensive guide to high holiday services across the region and religious spectrum. […]

Pride Month Resources


This is a non-exhaustive list of local, Jewish, and national organizations that advocate for and support the LGBTQ+ community. Happy Pride! Local J-Pride “J-Pride creates community through queer-focused Jewish programming […]

Resources To Help Ukraine


One week into its war with Ukraine, Russia bombed civilians, hospitals, and historic city centers, reducing entire areas to rubble and creating a humanitarian crisis. One million refugees had already […]

Anti-Racist Resources for Jews


Jump To: Everyday Action | Front Line Actions | Jewish Community & JoC-Led Orgs | Resource Sharing ($$$) | Resource Sharing (Goods & Services) | Anti-Racist (Un)Learning Resources | (Un)Learning with Kids | […]