Call for Jew-Date Stories and Ask Shuli Questions

Jewish Stories and QuestionsEvery two weeks TC Jewfolk features the best Jewish dating stories from our readers anonymously in the blog’s Jew-Date Diaries column. We want your stories.

Maybe you were set up by your well-intentioned bubbe. Maybe you jumped into the world of internet dating. Maybe you locked eyes at your local Starbucks and exchanged phone numbers. No matter how it happened, you ended up on a date and have a story to tell.

Every Sunday our resident Jewish advice columnist Ask Shuli weighs in on the Jewish questions you can’t ask Bubbe. We want your questions. If you’ve ever wondered how the hell to explain Simchat Torah to your non-Jewish boss, ask Shuli. Or, is pre-marital sex good for the Jews? Or, how to introduce your Lutheran boyfriend to the family? Ask Shuli.

Send your Jewish dating sob, horror, and success stories to Keep in mind a few things when submitting:

  • Stories should be between 250-600 words
  • Names and identifying details should be changed to protect the innocent and the guilty. [There’s one caveat here: If your story has a happy ending, we’d be tickled to share real names and a photo with your permission]
  • Please keep things PG-13
  • TC Jewfolk reserves the right to edit as necessary for space and content

Email your questions for Shuli about life, love, work, family and just about anything else to Don’t worry – all Ask Shuli questions featured on the blog are done so anonymously.

Thanks – in advance – for adding your voice to TC Jewfolk’s online community. We look forward to hearing from you.

(Photo: Bright Meadow)