The Tzedakah Bowl is an annual event that occurs on Christmas Day; it is planned and executed by the Minneapolis Jewish Federation. The formal goal of this event is providing activities to the Jewish Community on Christmas. This year TC Jewfolk is a co-sponsor, along with The Wilf Family Foundation.
The day consists of games of flag football played on the same field that Adrian Peterson, Jared Allen, and the rest of the Minnesota Vikings play on. For those not playing in the football tournament there are all sorts of other activities, like face painting, yoga, an obstacle course, a DJ and more! Plus, anyone who wants to—not just the football players—gets to run on the field. This unique event allows adults and kids a chance to play in a professional stadium, and creates a Jewish community on a day where there is little to do. A light breakfast will also be served.
At press time it’s unclear if registration is still open. Technically you were supposed to register by December 1st, but there may still be a chance to sneak in. Never hurts to try!
COST: $30 for individual players, $250 for a whole team, and FREE for non-players
TIME: 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM (10:00 AM to 2:00 PM for family activities)
LOCATION: Hubert H. Humprey Metrodome, 900 S 5th St, Minneapolis, MN, 55415
QUESTIONS? Contact Shana Cohen, P: 952-417-2351,
*All players must sign the waiver to be eligible to participate.
Tzedakah Bowl is sponsored graciously by The Wilf Family Foundation.
Provided registration is still open, you can register here.