Win Tickets To Matisyahu at First Ave [Updated]


* We originally said we’d pick a winner on Friday, but we’ve had such a good response already and want to get these tickets out as soon as possible, so we’re now going to pick a winner sometime between Wednesday night and Thursday morning. This post has been updated to reflect that.

King Without A Crown

Live at Stubbs, the album that put Matisyahu on the map, came out in 2005. I remember being at camp that summer and hearing it on every stereo throughout the whole grounds. Nobody had heard anything like it, and Jewish summer camp was the perfect place for an album like that to catch fire. The beats were hip, the hooks infectious, and every song seemed to hit the sweet spot between Jewish enough for a rabbi and dope enough for a teenager. I mean c’mon—when DJs on the current are calling it the best reggae they’ve heard since Marley! (A DJ actually said that once, before playing “King Without A Crown”)


I’ve seen Matisyahu in concert three times. The first time was in high school when he played a show at First Ave. The second time was in New York City during his “Festival of Lights Tour.” He played a show on the first night of Hanukkah, and between the main set and the encore he called up a rabbi to help him light the menorah. Then I saw him a third time when I was in Jerusalem. Seeing him sing “Jerusalem” in Jerusalem was such a special moment—the palpable joy in his body infected the entire crowd. But no matter where he is, there’s no denying that the dude puts on a great show.


But he shaved his beard. He dyed his hair blond. And he doesn’t wear a kipah anymore? Did I hear that right? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a beard (well, not for religious reasons) and I don’t wear a kipah, yet I’m a strong Jew. So whatever, Man. Do your thing. It’s just a little hard for me to reconcile the guy I saw lighting a menorah during his encore and the awkward looking surfer dude who has a song called Tel Aviv’n. But damn if I still won’t dance to all his songs at his next concert.

One Day

Speaking of which—he’s back! For one night, August 27th, Matisyahu will be in Minneapolis for another show at First Ave, and we’ve got the hookup for you! Two tickets plus admission to the special VIP balcony for the show. To win just post in the comments below: What’s one thing that used to be true about you but isn’t now? We’ll pick a winner at random on Thursday morning.
If you miss out on the free tickets, don’t let that deter you. You can get a sweet Federation discount and avoid all those online fees. See below for more details.

From the Official Facebook Event: A special evening with Matisyahu. Meet at The Depot (5:30pm) for the monthly JFed happy hour, followed by an evening with Matisyahu. We will have a special section inside First Avenue for our group. Stay tuned for the password to enter our stage right balcony coming later on.
Buy your ticket today and get access to the upstairs VIP “balcony”. Federation is also hooking you up with a discounted ticket price. Online-tickets are ($23.50 but come out to $30.10 with handling fees) we are selling them for $25. Purchase Tickets here, from Laura Taple ( or direct from First Ave.

Can’t wait? Enjoy this mashup of Matisyahu and Israeli dubstep legends Infected Mushroom: