The documentary, directed by Jessie Auritt, chronicles the story of Naomi Kutin, Orthodox Jewish pre-teen who breaks powerlifting world records. Supergirl follows Naomi’s unique coming-of-age story as she fights to hold on to her title while navigating the perils of adolescence—from strict religious obligations to cyber-bullying, and health issues which could jeopardize her future in powerlifting. Can she still be “Supergirl” if she can no longer break world records? With a passionate family supporting her each step of the way, Naomi must learn to accept herself and discover she is as strong inside as she is outside.
We have two pairs of tickets to the show, which is on Thursday, Oct. 19, at the Showplace ICON West End. All you have to do win is share the post on Facebook and e-mail us to win. Good luck!