TC Jewfolk has a unique opportunity to raffle off two pairs of (really awesome) tickets for this game.
All you have to do is make a tax-deductible donation! Make a contribution to celebrate our brand new site or just because! For every NEW $18 increment you donate to TC Jewfolk (and we know you want to anyway, obvi), you’ll get one raffle entry to be entered to win a pair of tickets for this Sunday’s 6pm Timberwolves game versus the Sacramento Kings in Section 129, Row K.
AND – if winning FREE, REALLY GOOD tickets to the Timberwolves isn’t enough of a draw – you ALSO will have access to our exclusive pregame panel of Jewish Professionals in Sports – including Ariel Toback, who was on the 2018 Superbowl Committee!
AND: You’ll also get a Hebrew lettered Timberwolves T-shirt! Plus you’ll be at a game with all the other MOTs!
(If you want to forego the donation to TCJewfolk and just PURCHASE TICKETS ONLINE go to