There comes a point in every organization’s development, when it is needs just one push to take it from startup status to established venture. Well, here we are, after six years, ready to establish ourselves as the voice, the news source, the events guide, and the arts and culture hub for young Jews in the Twin Cities. What do we need to get us to that stage of development where we are not scrambling to figure things out, but confidently running a smooth service to all Jews in the Twin Cities and beyond? As the editor, I can tell you what that one thing is: Professional, quality, creative writing.
In the past, we’ve been lucky to work with amazing writers who have volunteered their time and energy to bring their voice to TC Jewfolk. We need to show appreciation for our writers in more than just thanks and have the resources to find new, unique voices that represent our community.
We want to bring writers to our site that will make you think, make you laugh, maybe even make you cry.
Minnesotan Jews are unique. We have our own culture—Midwestern, outdoorsy, family-centered, lovers of both lox bagels and hotdish, not to mention a locally-made brew. But, we are also multicultural citizens living in an ethnically diverse city with an insatiable appetite for arts, culture and spiritual connection. We need to cultivate the voices that speak to each facet of our personality, capturing the complicated tapestry that is Minnesota Jewry. We want to bring writers to our site that will make you think, make you laugh, maybe even make you cry. To do that, we need offer a competitive wage for our writers.
Help us bring forth the voices of our community. Because we have a lot to say. We’re TC Jewfolk.
Donate to our six-year birthday fund and support our voices.