Write about what you love about the country – and what you wrestle with in all its complexity: its history, its people, its politics, its geography. Or tell us how you are celebrating 70 years of her existence or a great story about something that happened to you there that is uniquely ‘only in Israel.’
Submissions should be somewhere around 300-500 words but that is simply a guideline – we want to hear from your heart.
Essayists will be entered to win some uniquely Israeli swag!
The fine print:
As always, TC Jewfolk reserves the right on what to publish. Essays that are inflammatory or that do not meet our basic editorial guidelines will not be published.
Entries should be submitted by email. Please include a horizontal photo (for which you have the rights and give permission for TC Jewfolk to use) that you would like to accompany your essay (if you don’t have one, just let us know in your email). Photos should be as high of a resolution as possible.
Deadline for submission of essays is April 13, 2018. We will publish essays as they are received. While all eligible essays may be published, winners of raffle prizes will be selected at the Israel at 70 event. Winners need not be present to claim the prize.
Please, give me an email address to write an essay Israel Story. And does it have to be a personal story or experience?
Thank you.
Hi there – we included a link to the email address in the article above but if it does not work for you, please email [email protected] with your story! We think you should submit what’s meaningful to you. Thank you!