Jewish? Jew-ish? We want you to write for us! Topics range from personal Jewish experiences, reviews of Jewish media, your search for the NJP (Nice Jewish Person) and much more. If you have a solid idea, we have the outlet. We appreciate community voices and happily pay our freelance writers $50-100 per article that we share with our growing audience. In addition to being published on TCJewfolk.com, your article will be shared on our social media channels and in our weekly emailed news digest. Shoot, your future book could begin life at TC Jewfolk!
Want to write but feeling blocked? Here are some prompts to get those fingers typing (we also come up with monthly prompts, published on social media!):
- Being a new or returning Jew in town
- How politics shape your Jewish point of view / how Judaism shapes your activism
- Your (interfaith) family or Jewish parenting
- History or ancestral lore
- Jewish spirituality
- Love & dating
- Humor & satire
- Stories from your conversion process / lessons from adult learning
- Seasonal / Shabbat / chaggim reflections
- Your (volunteer) work with a Jewish organization — in Minnesota or abroad
- Just what makes the perfect latke/blintz/gefilte fish
- Creative work
- Restaurant, recipe, or media reviews with a Jewish twist
Send all inquiries, drafts, and pitches to editor@tcjewfolk.com.
If you’d like even more guidance on how to start writing for TC Jewfolk, we’ve got you here. Be sure to read our editorial policies.