Friendly Visitors Available to Chat

JFS’s new Friendly Remote Visitor program (FRV), created to combat the isolation and loneliness of the COVID-19 stay at home directive, has recruited and trained a group of volunteers who are eager to help. If you or anyone you know could benefit from a phone call with a friendly volunteer, just to check in, chat a bit, and reassure them that someone cares, please contact Margie Solomon at (651) 690-8907 or by email at [email protected].

JFS Receives Emergency Funding

Jewish Family Service of St. Paul (JFS) has received a $15,000 emergency grant from the Otto Bremer Trust through the Community Benefit Financial Company Emergency Fund to be used to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. JFS will distribute the funds through its Emergency Financial Assistance program, normally funded through individual donations.

JFS Services Continue

JFS has made the decision to cancel all in-person group meetings, activities and events until further notice. We remain open during normal business hours; however, in-person visits in our building are available by appointment only.

JFS Awarded BOND Grant

Again in 2020, JFS will be the recipient of an $8,000 grant from Branching Out in New Directions (BOND) to benefit the Employment Services program.

Chris Kellogg Joins JFS

Jewish Family Service of St. Paul (JFS) announces the selection of Christine Kellogg as Aging Services Director.