Benny Friedman Brings Chassidic Music to the Mainstream on April 3rd
Benny Friedman, live in concert this weekend, has Twin Cities roots that run deep.
Benny Friedman, live in concert this weekend, has Twin Cities roots that run deep.
In need of a FREE date night involving humor and, more likely than not, Jews?! Who isn’t? Check out these open mic nights!
The MSCF Giving Circle makes philanthropy more meaningful and personal. Each member helps determine how their dollars are spent through an engaging and democratic selection process.
A family that performs together stays together? Guest writer Karen Bix interviews local “Jewish Von Trapps,” the Dinner-Levin family.
We’re so excited to introduce you to our new Editor, who is hardly a stranger to Jewfolk Media, Inc.!
Jewish Family Service (JFS) is seeking a counselor (Life Enrichment Specialist; LES) to deliver the face-to-face intervention component of our Life Enrichment Action Program for 55+ (LEAP).
St. Louis Park, home to several famous MOTs: what’s in the water?
#onlyinIsrael #onlyonPurim
You can tell Purim is a real Jewish holiday because it follows the classic Jewish script: They tried to kill us. We won. So let’s eat. But is there more?