Elul Mikveh Lake Immersion

Join Maayanot and Hineni for an Elul Lake Immersion. The month of Elul launches the High Holy Day season with a time for reflection and introspection. Immersing in water can help us prepare our bodies and souls for a New Year with the potential for renewal and transformation. Whether you are preparing for the High Holy Days, marking a milestone moment, or coming to the mikveh for another reason, we home you will join us for this meaningful ritual.

We suggest a donation of $36 or more per person. However, all participants are welcome regardless of financial means. Donations will help us establish a new, pluralistic mikveh in Minnesota and will support the work of Hineni: Adult Jewish Learning & Contemplative Practices.

For safety reasons, we will send out the exact location after registration. Rain date will be Thursday, September 12 at the same times. Space is limited. Register today!

Register for the 4:30pm immersion.

Register for the 6:00pm immersion.


September 5
4:30 pm - 7:15 pm
Event Categories
Community + Calendar
Event Categories:


Maayanot Community Mikveh of Minnesota