Encore! Encore! Sharei Chesed Musical Fundraiser

Music concert begins at 5 p.m. followed by a reception with wine, cheese, and fruit.

Featuring four musicians who have volunteered their talents to perform a variety of classical pieces, plus Jewish music.

Location: Sharei Chesed Congregation, 1712 Hopkins Crossroad, Minnetonka, MN 55305

Prepay: $36 – $72 per adult. Deliver check to Sharei Chesed before concert date or PayPal at www.shareichesed.org. Include in comments “February 2 Encore Fundraiser”

Pay at the door: $54 – $90 per adult. We only accept cash and checks, no credit cards.

We look forward to a wonderful concert together! All proceeds support Sharei Chesed Congregation.


February 2
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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