Or Emet Shabbat Program to Focus on the Dead Sea Scrolls
On Friday, April 4, from 7:30-9 p.m., Or Emet will host a Shabbat service led by Rabbi Eva Cohen, followed by a program and social time. The evening’s events will take place at the Minnesota JCC Sabes Center Minneapolis, 4330 S. Cedar Lake Road, Minneapolis.
Following the service, Or Emet member Allan Malkis will speak about the Dead Sea Scrolls, a famous set of writings from Qumran, an area in the valley of the Dead Sea south of Jerusalem. It is the largest known collection from the era of the Second Temple of Jerusalem. The works include the books of the Hebrew Bible, commentaries on those books, and explanations of the rituals and practices of a religious sect active during that time.
What do the Dead Sea Scrolls tell us about Jewish thought and practices just before the first Jewish revolt against Rome and the destruction of the Second Temple? What relationship, if any, do they have to the sect that grew up around Jesus of Nazareth?
Malkis, a former president of Or Emet, is a retired social researcher who holds a master’s degree in sociology from the University of Minnesota. He enjoys exploring the early history of the Israelite people.
Those who cannot attend in person may join over Zoom. Please register in advance here.
Or Emet is a secular congregation celebrating and honoring Jewish culture, history and values from a humanistic, inclusive perspective. For more information about Or Emet, email info@oremet.org or visit oremet.org.