I can hear you virtually shouting in your Google searches and on Facebook – “Where can I find a Passover Seder in Minneapolis?” “Where is there a welcoming community seder in Saint Paul?”
Have no fear. TC Jewfolk has the hook up.
Here is a list of all the synagogues in the Twin Cities and across Minnesota hosting large Passover seders that are open to the community. We recommend that you call these synagogues asap to RSVP if you want to attend.
Want an intimate family seder experience (but not your own)? Click here for the websites of all of Minnesota’s synagogues – many of the shuls have programs connecting people who need a Seder with families that have an extra seat at the table. Don’t hesitate to call them (Rabbis – am I right?). There are also interesting seders on other nights this month and next, including an immigrant rights seder, interfaith seders, and a humanistic seder. Check out TC Jewfolk’s event calendar for more information.
First Night Seders: (Monday March 29th)
Minneapolis Chabad Lubavitch Seder (Orthodox – Minneapolis)
- Join Rabbi Mordechai & Rivkie Grossbaum for a traditional and meaningful Seder experience complete with a full Passover meal, hand made Shmurah Matzah and plenty of holiday insights and explanations. Open to the public but reservations required. 8:30pm. For more information call: 952-929-9922 or email Rivka@ChabadMinneapolis.com. No cost, but donations appreciated. RSVP online here.
AISH Minnesota Seder (Orthodox – Minnetonka)
- Make this night different with AISH Minnesota. Passover seder with the Simpsers. $25 donation. 8pm. Register online here.
Second Night Seders: (Tuesday March 30th)
Temple of Aaron Seder (Conservative – Saint Paul):
- Service at 6:15 pm. Rabbi Shavit-Lonstein & Cantor Kowitz will lead a participatory service. Reserve a seat or a table by mailing your check to the office. $36/member; $39/non-member; and $18/child under 13. RSVP by March 24th by sending in a check with the form linked here.
Bet Shalom Congregational Seder (Reform – Minnetonka)
- Please join your friends and family at Bet Shalom as we celebrate the second night of Passover at the annual Congregational Passover Seder. 6pm at Bet Shalom. All full Seder meal, catered by David Schulman, will be served. $33 for adults, $18 for children 12 and under (kids 5 and under are free). Reservations and checks must be received by March 23rd. RSVP with the form linked here.
Temple Israel Seder (Reform – Minneapolis)
- Join Rabbi Zimmerman and Cantor Abelson for a second night Seder. 6pm at Temple Israel. $25 for adults, $15 for kids ages 3 – 12, and free for kids 2 and under. Send your check with the form linked here to Temple Israel, Attn: Regan McCormack, by Monday, March 22. If you would like to attend the Seder but are unable to for financial reasons, please contact Trish Thelen, Membership Services Coordinator, at 612-374-0323 or tthelen@templeisrael.com.
Minneapolis Chabad Lubavitch (Orthodox – Minneapolis)
- Join Rabbi Mordechai & Rivkie Grossbaum for a traditional and meaningful Seder experience complete with a full Passover meal, hand made Shmurah Matzah and plenty of holiday insights and explanations. Open to the public but reservations required. 8:30pm. For more information call: 952-929-9922 or email Rivka@ChabadMinneapolis.com. No cost, but donations appreciated. RSVP online here.
AISH Minnesota (Orthodox – Minnetonka)
- Make this night different with AISH Minnesota. Passover seder with the Simpsers. $25 donation. 8pm. Register online here.
- Temple Israel in Duluth is hosting second night seder at 6 p.m. Dinner includes matzoh ball soup, gefilte fish, chicken or fish, mashed sweet potatoes, fresh spring vegetables, dessert and wine. Cost is $18 for adults, $9 for children 6-12, free for children under 6 years old. Call the office by Wednesday, March 24 to reserve a spot.
Did we miss any community Seders with open doors for 1st or 2nd night? Add the info in the comments. If you have any questions about these synagogues or seders, ask in the comments and we’ll try to answer, or at least hook you up with someone who can.
Chag Sameach!
Beth El Synagogue- St. Louis Park, MN
2nd Sedar March 29th.
Hi Cantor Abrams – I didn’t include Beth El on the list because I was informed that it was full. Are slots still available? If so, could you put all the information about the seder in the comments? Thanks!
For those who are Humanistic Jews, Or Emet Minnesota Congregation for Humanistic Judaism, would welcome you at our potluck Passover Seder on Saturday, April 3rd. To find out more, do visit our website. Reservations due by March 28.
Jewish Singles Collaborative is holding a 2nd Seder for singles on Tuesday, March 30. Our host generously offered us more seats if we need it, so if you need a place to go for 2nd Seder we have a place for you. The cost is $15.
Please email jewishsinglescollaborative@gmail.org with your phone number by Friday, March 26 if you want to join us and we’ll give you the details. If your plans change at the last minute (after Friday) call 612-308-0166. We want all our members to have a Seder to go to if they wish.
Shalom and Greetings!
We have a small congregation in India,
we are getting ready for Pesach,(Passover)on April
17th evening2011.
if you have any chance to send some Matza(bread)
for the congregation, please send me some Matza packets at leaast 3 small packets.
we have no money to buy Pesach Matza kindly help us.
this is me Postal Address
Bro:chandra sekhar.ch
M.D.O.off RD,
E.G.Dt, A.P.
INDIA- 533 253.
cell:91 9989970579.
thank you so much.
Why are these seders being held in March when Passover starts on April 19th? Am I wrong in this?
Every Passover sedar is either in the twin cities or Duluth. I live in St Cloud in the middle of the state.