A group by TC Jewfolk! JCreate is a group for Jewish creatives in Minnesota. Professionals, semipros, and hobbyists are all welcome.
This is a place for you to ask questions, network with one another, seek referrals, build creative partnerships, and “talk amongst yourselves.”
We’re also here to support events you’d like to create for Jewish creatives in the Twin Cities! Contact us at events@jewfolk.com with your event ideas!
If this sounds like the right group for you, please join us by clicking here.
A group by TC Jewfolk! JLink™ is a group for emerging and established Jewish business professionals in the Twin Cities. This group is a place for you to ask questions, network with one another, get referrals, post and find job searches, and ‘talk amongst yourselves.
We encourage members to use this group to connect with other Jewish professionals in the Twin Cities online and in person. We also host monthly IRL networking coffees and are here to support events for Jewish professionals that you’d like to create. Contact us at events@jewfolk.com with your event ideas!
If this sounds like the right group for you, please join us by clicking here.
A group by TC Jewfolk! JMatchmaking is a group for Jewish singles 65+ in Minnesota. Seniors looking for a match, or those helping an interested senior, are all welcome.
Join this group to connect with Jewfolk 65+ looking for love & connection with the help of Old School Jewish Matchmakers (with a modern twist!), Char Cohodes and Freddie Weisberg. This group is a labor of – and for – love!
Those interested in personalized support, should reach out to matchmaking@jewfolk.com.
If this sounds like the right group for you, please join us by clicking here.
A group by TC Jewfolk! Minnesota Mammalehs is a group for moms, grandmas, and expectant mothers in the Minnesota Jewish community. Mammalehs of babies, kids, and adult children of all ages are welcome. Anyone who identifies as a mom raising or having raised Jewish children and who resides in Minnesota or is moving here in the relatively near future, whether cisgender or transgender, is welcome to join.
We encourage members to use this group to set up informal play-dates, walking dates, and other get-togethers; and TC Jewfolk is here to provide support for your events. Contact us at events@jewfolk.com with your event ideas!
If this sounds like the right group for you, please join us by clicking here.