Covenant and Citizenship 2: What is “the Pursuit of Happiness?”

Beit HaMidrash at TTSP 1287 Ford Pkwy, St Paul, MN, United States

The US Declaration of Independence declares these rights inviolable: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Looking at “Midrash on Happiness” by Grace Paley and other Jewish texts, we’ll explore what “the pursuit of happiness” might mean for American Jews. Program starts at 7 PM; come at 6:30 PM to have a snack, see our […]

Over the Line: When One Jew Says to Another, “You Don’t Belong Anymore”

Beit HaMidrash at TTSP 1287 Ford Pkwy, St Paul, MN, United States

From ancient times to our own, some Jews have been seen by others as having forfeited their place among the Jewish people. Herem, nidui, apikoros, – all terms associated with the charge that someone has violated a crucial aspect of Jewish life. From Korach to Mordechai Kaplan; from Hasidim, and feminists, to current tensions in […]
