Jewish young leaders survey: responses needed on being a Mensch in our generation

2617472244_7c8b9289d4We are living in the age of social media, Britney Spears, and President Obama. We are defined by Iraq, 9-11, grass-roots organizing, global warming and culture wars. But is our generation a different type of Jew? A different breed of Jewish leader? How are our lives and values different from those of our Bubbe’s generation?

The Avi Chai Foundation is conducting a “2009 Survey of Leadership and American Jewish life.”  Please participate in this important research by filling out their survey online.

Here is what principal investigator and Hebrew Union College Professor Steven M. Cohen had to say:

American Jewish leaders have been changing – but we don’t exactly know how. We think that leaders in their 20s and 30s might be different from those in their 50s and 60s. And we imagine that the Boomers today might differ from the Boomers two or three decades ago.

Leaders may vary in their hopes and fears; in the issues that capture their interest, and that drive them to act; and in the ways in which they see Jews, Judaism, and the world. They may differ in terms of their life experiences that have led them to be who they are today. But, with all this said, we’re not sure of the extent of differences; and we certainly know little about the diverse views and interests of Jewish leaders across America.

To explore these issues that are critical to policy makers, philanthropists, and the Jewish public, I am inviting you to participate in, “The 2009 Survey of Leadership and American Jewish Life.” Whether you see yourself as a “Jewish leader” or not, I’d like you to participate in this survey.

Your answers will be treated confidentially, but not anonymously. That means that I’ll never share your identity or individual answers with anybody. I’ll be sharing the compiled results of the survey with you as soon as they are ready for distribution. Should you have any comments, write me directly at [email protected] .

Sincerely, Steven M. Cohen

We often say that our parents, grandparents, professors or political leaders just “don’t get us.” Let’s fill them in. Please join me in taking the “2009 Survey of Leadership and American Jewish Life.”

(Image of Moses: Wallyg)