Announcing “Ask Shuli”: for Jewish questions you can’t ask Bubbe

Ask Shuli Jewish advice columnistTC Jewfolk is excited to announce our new weekly column “Ask Shuli” Here is what Shuli has to say:

It’s 2009, soon to be 5770 on the Hebrew calendar. You’re young, busy and working hard. You may be single, or married with kids. And oy, are you tired. You’ve got a million things to do, and only two hands.

To top it all off, momala is elsewhere. Sure, she may want to be your Facebook “friend,” but ima (mom) is on the East Coast, down in Florida, or just busy with her own empty-nester posse. Not that she understands you anyway.

There, there. Shuli is here.

“Ask Shuli” is TC Jewfolk’s yiddishe equivalent of Dear Abby or my personal favorite, Ask Amy, with a healthy dose of guilt sprinkled in. If you’ve ever wondered how the hell (sorry, momala) to explain Simchat Torah to your non-Jewish boss, ask Shuli. Or, is pre-marital sex good for the Jews? Or, how to introduce your Lutheran boyfriend to the family? Ask Shuli.

What’s keeping your pretty little keppe (head) up at night? What’s fueling your Happy Hour conversations? I’m here to answer your questions. . . . And I’m just like you. Only cuter. Send your questions to: I’ll get back to you in my Sunday columns.

Yes, I’m a real person:

When I’m not nagging you (or my husband), I’m working full time, raising two kiddos in the south suburbs, and attempting to cook Shabbat dinner on a weekly basis. Oy! I grew up in an interfaith household and the Reform movement. I attend a Conservative shul and keep kosher, but I still REALLY miss patty melts at Denny’s.

P.S. Shuli says, call your mother!