From the Family Guy’s Jewish episode to the announcement that the President of Iran has Jewish blood, this past week has been an exciting and controversial Jewish news week.
Let’s get you caught up a bit. Sit back, grab a bagel, and don’t forget to turn on your computer speakers. It’s time for Shavua Tov – your peek at the Jewish news we couldn’t fit on the blog this week.
1. “Family Guy Jumps the Jew” – Bintel Blog. A scathing review of this week’s Family Guy episode “Family Goy,” watched by more than 9 million viewers. Watch the episode yourself (at the bottom of the Bintel Blog article) and let us know what you think – is it funny, offensive, or both?
2. “Scalia Defends Cross on Public Land, Claims It Represents Everyone” – Huffington Post (A must-read for lawyers, law students, and anyone who cares about that silly old thing called Separation of Church and State)
3. “61 percent of Americans would support military action in Iran” – Capital J blog (Interesting – a greater percentage than that of American Jews who support such action)
4. “Israeli scientist (and Grandmother) Wins Nobel Prize in Chemistry” – The Sisterhood Blog (now that’s one smart Bubbe)
5. “Think Again: Why incitement is such a big deal” – Jerusalem Post (on Palestinian propaganda and the incitement of hate against Israelis, and what this means for any future peace agreements). And in case you thought this propaganda was a thing of the past, check out the JPost’s article this week “Hamas children’s TV program again calls for the ‘slaughter of Jews‘”.
6. Prez Obama wins the Nobel peace prize and the Jewish world shouts “Mazal Tov for Obama” and expresses hope for real peace. “Jewish Dems congratulate Obama on peace prize“, “Brit Tzedek, J Street laud Obama’s Nobel award“. – Capital J Blog
7. “Mahmoud Ahmadinejad revealed to have Jewish past” – Daily Telegraph. Pretty shocking discovery – Ahmadinejad’s family converted when he was four. So the biggest anti-Semite in the world could go on Birthright Israel after all.
(Photo: jeredb)