New Contributor: Sean Herstein

TC Jewfolk is excited to announce our new contributing writer, Sean Herstein. Here is what Sean has to say:

If two Jews have three opinions, imagine the diversity of opinion held by centuries of Jewish tradition.From the Torah to the Talmud to the many wise thinkers of today, every question can illicit many, even contradicting, answers. That said,  when a young modern Jew wants to find meaning in all of this, where can one turn for understanding and answers to one’s questions? You can call your rabbi if you have one (and if you do not I do suggest you connect with a rabbi you can trust), but that might not be an option for you.

As a Jewish educator who has taught in the Jewish schools, synagogues, and JCC’s of the Twin Cities, I feel that much of my job is to present multiple options for finding meaning in our rich tradition. If the traditional understandings and teachings lack meaning, perhaps one of the multiple alternative interpretations will be a better fit. Similarly, if the new-age, trendy approaches seem inauthentic or inappropriate, maybe taking a fresh look at a classic text will awaken passion or, at least, appreciation for our classic values and beliefs.

In these posts I will strive to present Judaism in a values based, non-judgmental light.  Hopefully you find them meaningful and if you feel inspired, please ask a question, offer your own thoughts, or simply say that you appreciate what you are reading.