The Simpsons Finally Go to Israel (Watch Here)

If you’ve been reading TC Jewfolk since September of 2009 (and I know there are at least three of you – my mom, my dad, and my boyfriend), you may remember an early blog post called “The Simpsons Go to Israel . . . with Sacha Baron Cohen.” To refresh your memories, I wrote on 9/22/2009 that:

It has just been announced that Sacha Baron Cohen, the Jewish comic actor known for Borat and Bruno, will play a pushy Israeli tour guide on the Simpsons 21st season, set to air in the United States in March 2010.  Simpsons producer Al Jean promised that the episode – named “The greatest story ever Doh’ed” – will “be a show that all faiths can come together and be offended by.”

Well that Simpsons episode has now been officially aired, and, most importantly for those of you who like me who never see things when they actually happen on TV – you can now watch the Simpsons “The greatest story ever Doh’ed” on (at least until May 3rd).

Watch the episode, and then add your thoughts in the comments. What did you think of the characters, the plot, the stereotypes? Is it funny? Is it Jewish?

(Image: Simpsons go to Israel)