What the Bleep?! This Week's Hot Jewish News

So you can be hip to the latest trend. And still be Jewish.

A lot of crazy %$^& happens in the Jewish world each week. Don’t miss these stories on: Obama turning Jews Republican?; IDF stupidity on Facebook; Amar’e Stoudemire on his Jewish roots; Jewish silly bandz; and more.
1. Oy Vey, Obama. NY Times Opinion. Is Obama making Jews more Republican? the article asks. I think not. Jews were already becoming more Republican even before Obama. I think it’s because as Jews get money, they become more conservative in trying to keep their money. My friend (next to me) says Jews are becoming more Republican as we become more “white.” What do you think? Read the article and post in the comments below.
2. “The Strip Clubs Near the ‘Hallowed Ground’ That Is Ground Zero.” The Forward’s Sisterhood Blog.  With all the hoopla over the mosque to be built at Ground Zero, this article brings us back a bit to reality.
3. Out of Israel, an Embarrassing Facebook Post. TIME. Seriously? An IDF soldier took pictures of herself with bound and blindfolded Palestinians and posted it to Facebook. Does Israel need its own Lynndie England (remember her taking pictures of herself with prisoners in Abu Ghraib)? AGH! Puke!
4. I love a new, awesome addition to the Tribe. New York Knicks star Amar’e Stoudemire is Jewish (on his mother’s side, for those of you doubters), and the news this week after he got back from Israel to learn more about his roots? Amar’e Stoudemire Says He Is Keeping Kosher (HuffPost Blog). While you’re at it, read this hilarious advice letter to Amar’e from a Jewish fan- All-star Of David (Sports Illustrated).
5. In case you want to show your love and friendship with jelly-like weird bracelets (or your children do), now you can do so Jewishly. A Florida rabbi releases a new Jewish brand of silly bandz! (Orthodox Miami). Oy. Check them out here – Jewly Banz.
6. B’nai Emet congregation in St. Louis Park is officially sending it’s congregants over to Beth El in St. Louis Park for their huge summer picnic (we got the email). Transitions are hard, but the picnic should be awesome. As social media geeks, we appreciate that Beth El has put together a video advertising it. Check it out, and head over to the event if you’re able to.