What the Bleep?!: Christmas Edition

One hot Jew... and now she's single.

A lot of crazy ^&$% happens in the Jewish world each week. Don’t miss these stories on: Sexy single Jewish girls; hate crimes against Jews, Jihad Bells, and more.
Just in time for Christmas, sexy MOT Scarlett Johansson is now single.
Rockets from Gaza injure a 14-year-old girl and barely miss a kindergarten.
The Director of the Polish Jewish Theater is attacked with bricks and bottles.
Hate crimes against Jews are on the rise in LA (but down overall). ^%$&.
Youtube shuts down Palestinian Media Watch for promoting hate speech. Sweet.
Wikileaks is going to release more cables about Israel. Good? Bad? We’ll all find out.
A not-so-funny and creepy video “Jihad Bells” about Muslim hatred and terrorism against Christians.  Watch the video here, read Jewlicious’ take on it (and on the reality of Christian life and safety in Bethlehem), and lend your thoughts to the comments below.


And to remind you that crazy, stupid people still exist… a Greek bishop claims that Zionism = Satanism and that Adolf Hitler was funded by the Jews.
(Photo: Joy Banerjee)