2011 Minneapolis Jewish Film Festival: Jews and Baseball

Spring is almost here. The signs are everywhere. Kids are picking out their costumes for Purim and hamantashen are being baked. The supermarkets are stocking up on Matzoh. And of course, Spring training is under way. In less than three weeks, umpires will be shouting Play Ball! Luckily, the grounds crew at Target Field has until April 8th to clear the field of any trace of winter.
So what could be better than joining the 2011 Sabes JCC Minneapolis Jewish Film Festival on Wednesday March 30th for a special screening of Jews and Baseball: An American Love Story?
This film is a must-see for Jews, baseball fans, history buffs, documentary buffs, and anyone who remembers Yom Kippur of 1965.
As my loyal readers know (I’m talking to you Mom), I have a personal connection to the one and only Sandy Koufax. The producers of this film were able to get Sandy Koufax to sit down for an EXTREMELY RARE interview where he talks publicly about his immortal decision during the 1965 World Series. Many baseball nuts – myself included – have never heard Koufax speak in such depth (or at all for that matter).
For those who aren’t aware, the seminal moment in Jewish-American sports history took place right here in the TC when Koufax declined pitching Game 1 of the World Series in observance of Yom Kippur.
The film is directed by Peter Miller and narrated by 2-time Oscar winner Dustin Hoffman. It features interviews with current and former Jewish players as well as fans such as Larry King and Ron Howard. The film tells the story of the Jewish connection to our National Pastime and the intricate role that we played over the sports’ history.
Jews and Baseball will be introduced by Howard Sinker from The Star Tribune. Twins fans might know him as the writer of the Section 219 blog (I sit in section 223, so we have a very similar view).
You won’t want to miss this opportunity, so get your tickets now before they sell out. I’ll see you there!
Here are the details for the screening:
Wednesday March 30, 2011
The Theatres @ Mall of America
Tickets are $7 for JCC members and $9 for non-members
The Jewish Historical Society of the Upper Midwest is holding a contest and you could WIN 2 TICKETS TO SEE JEWS AND BASEBALL!
JHSUM wants your stories of Game 1 of the 1965 World Series played at Minnesota’s Metropolitan Stadium. Where were you when you heard Sandy Koufax was not going to pitch in observance of the holiday? Was it mentioned at Yom Kippur Services? How did you feel about Koufax making that personal choice?… Were you the one sitting next to him in shul? Is it part of your family’s stories?
Tell us and you will be entered in a drawing for a chance to win either two tickets to the film Jews and Baseball or Minnesota Twins tchotchkes. Write on the JHSUM Facebook wall at OR email at history@jhsum.org.