What the Bleep?! This Week's Hot Jewish News
Jewlicious’ title says it all. “The Latest Ridiculous Holiday Shit: Eastover.”
Facebook sued by Jewish political activist for not removing the kill the Jews Arab Intifada page fast enough.
The man who compared Reform rabbis to radicalized Islamists is off Fox News. Bye bye Glenn Beck. Good riddance.
Sounds like its’ B.S. but it’s not – a billionaire Kazakhastani Jew is launching a pro-Israel network to rival Al Jazeera.
Richard Goldstone recants his anti-Israel U.N. report. And now he’s getting sued. Watch for Jenna Mitelman’s article diving into the details of the controversy early this week.
Hmm…. If someone orders a cake with a swastika on it, should a bakery make it? One Austrian bakery says, why not?
And in &^$#ed up news from Israel – a terrorist missile from Gaza hits and Israeli school bus and injures a boy and the bus driver. Ugh.
(Photo: Challah Connection)
Holy guilt trip! I still love Eastover. For some families of mixed heritage it is just a practicality. It was always a challenge for me to wait until after Passover ended to break into that delicious chocolate bunny and my grandma always prepares a leaven-free Easter brunch.
Eastover… great, I can see it now… open the door during the seder to let Elijah AND JESUS in!!!!!!
Good Grief, yet another prime example of DEvolution, and hey, why not work in an ELEVENTH plague…. OF RABBITS!!
Leave it to somebody to figure out how to turn the Passover Seder into Communion all at the same time. Four cups of wine????… boy, THAT’S a lot of BLOOD!!!!!
For all you Kasher l’Pesach parrot heads…