In my relentless quest to get you folks back in the kitchen I submit for your approval my Aunt Leah’s Candied Sweet Potatoes. True, they don’t come to you straight from the latest Jewish cookbook. As a matter of fact this recipe could have been written originally by a church basement lady (with the addition of tiny marshmallows of course. As an aside, I don’t get it. Adding marshmallows to a sweet potato is like putting chocolate syrup on a Hershey bar. I digress.) Instead this recipe was in a file of tried and true family recipes. It was served most often on Kol Nidre along with my Aunt Golda’s prime rib and my Grandma Rose’s angel food cake. A blessed memory. My grandma. Not the cake. Years later we found out she used a box mix.
You will notice this recipe has a different technique than most sweet potato recipes (no cans were harmed in the making of this dish). Also note 1/2 cup sugar for 4 potatoes. If you added marshmallows you might go into sugar shock.
So get into that kitchen and give it a go. This is a simple made from scratch recipe (click on it to enlarge). It’s even kosher if you use pareve margarine.