You're invited: "Applying Israeli Military Intelligence Techniques to the Business World

This is a guest post by Brian H. Davis, President, American Israel Chamber of Commerce of Minnesota and CEO of CleanBiz Horizons LLC.
The American Israel Chamber of Commerce of Minnesota (AICCMN) welcomes Joe Green to the Twin Cities on August 4th for a presentation on “Applying Israeli Military Intelligence Techniques to the Business World.”
Mr. Green visits the Twin Cities as Vice President of Business Development for d&a Visual Insights, a Netanya, Israel based provider of corporate intelligence solutions. He seeks introduction to potential clients of their unique business intelligence methodologies and advanced technologies. d&a Visual Insights allows business decision makers to constantly monitor their ecosystem, gain valuable insights and keep their intelligence picture comprehensive and up-to-date.
Clients of d&a Visual Insights include: Johnson & Johnson, TEVA Pharmaceuticals, BD Medical, Medtronic, Roche, Microsoft, Intel Corporation, IBM, Amdocs, Qualcomm, AT&T, Procter & Gamble, Coca Cola, Philips Lighting, Ernst & Young, The European Commission, Governments of: Canada, Michigan, Israel, New Zealand.
I believe that d&a Visual Insights offers compelling business value for Minnesota companies, while being another positive Israeli story. We encourage such Israeli businesses to offer their unique services and products to Minnesota and Upper Midwest business,” said Brian H. Davis, President of AICCMN.
We hope that interested business people will attend Mr. Green’s lunch presentation on Thursday, August 4th, with private meetings also available. Increased business between Israel and Minnesota strengthens both economies! Please get involved to encourage networking to build connections for such business. In addition to the speaker, you’ll network with other Twin Cities business notables!

August 4, 2011
Lunch at 11:30 am; Presentation at 12:15 am
Host: Lurie Besikof Lapidus & Company, LLP
2501 Wayzata Blvd in Minneapolis

Cost: $10 AICCMN Members, $20 non-members

RSVP: (612) 338-7816

Following the Presentation and on Friday, August 5th, private meetings will be available with Mr. Green.  For more information, contact: Brian Davis at or 651.308.7141.  The event is sponsored by the American Israel Chamber of Commerce of Minnesota and co-sponsored by the JCRC of Minnesota and the Dakotas.
(Photos: Hoyasmeg)