Win Tickets to Saturday's Jewish Film Festival Showing of Argentinian Comedy "My First Wedding"

I dare you to watch this trailer and not laugh. Unless you’re planning a wedding. Maybe then you might cry – oh no, you mean THAT could happen to me? 
For those who have been married, we know that weddings can be fabulous and wonderful and filled with crazy missteps and drama. Saturday night’s film in the Minneapolis Jewish Film Festival, Argentinian comedy “My First Wedding” (Mi Primera Boda), is all that crazy and a bag of chips. And it was the Third Highest Grossing Film in Argentina Opening Weekend and was Nominated for 4 Argentinian Academy Awards, 2011.
[Eds. Note: Do not mistake this “My First Wedding” for the 2006 American “My First Wedding” about “A young carpenter who is mistaken for a Catholic priest and sustains the misunderstanding to seduce a girl.” Yeah. Wrong film.]
Here’s the JCC’s blurb on the film: 

Jewish-born Adrián and Catholic-born Leonora have finally reached their wedding day! Instead of gracefully embracing matrimony, Adrián spends the hours leading up to the ceremony trying to postpone it, not because he’s got cold feet (or does he?), but because he’s clumsily lost both his and his bride-to-be’s sacred wedding rings. Disaster ensues in director Ariel Winograd’s winning comedy about the politics of the proverbial “Big Day.” Spanish with English Subtitles.

The film will be shown at 8pm Saturday night, March 24 (and 2pm on Sunday, March 25 if you’ve already got plans Saturday night) at the Sabes JCC’s theater (4330 S. Cedar Lake Road, Minneapolis, MN 55126). Tickets: $10 General Public; $8 JCC Premium & Community members, students. UNLESS YOU WIN ‘EM!
Want to win a pair of tickets to Saturday night’s screening of “My First Wedding?”  
We’re giving away two pairs of free tickets.  All you have to do is tell us in the comments to this post … why you want to see this movie! We’ll draw the winners randomly on Friday, March 23 at noon. Good luck!

Here’s the trailer:
