Who the Folk?! Zoe Stern

Welcome to the first installment of a new weekly series on TC Jewfolk called “Who the Folk?!” Every week on Monday we’ll feature a new member of the community as our “Person of the Week.” Know someone we should feature? Nominate them by sending an email to bradley@tcjewfolk.com.

TC Jewfolk: Are you from the Twin Cities?

Zoe: I am a homegrown Minnesotan! Born and raised. (and proud of it!)

TCJ: Have you lived anywhere else?

Zoe: Between spending a few years at the University of Wisconsin Madison and several summers at Herzl a good chunk of my life has been spent in Wisconsin. I also lived in Chicago for 4 years after college.

TCJ: You used to work within the Jewish community at JFCS but now work for Free the Children. Why’d you make the switch, and what’s the best part about your new gig?

Zoe: I loved working at JFCS and had an amazing experience starting and running NextGen. I learned an incredible amount about nonprofits, fundraising, the Jewish community and more. I switched because the opportunity at Free The Children presented itself and it was too good to let go. The best part about my new gig is getting to travel, see new parts of the world and meet awesome people–all while helping kids in the US and abroad!

TCJ: Are you involved in any other TC organizations?

Zoe: I am on the Herzl Camp Board, the Temple Israel Foundation Board and am a member of the Make-A-Wish Young Professionals Group.

TCJ: What’s your favorite way to celebrate Shabbat?

Zoe: I like going to Friday night services at Adath, Beth El or Temple Israel and then having a yummy meal with friends!

TCJ: What’s your favorite Jewish holiday?

Zoe: I am a HUGE fan of the Rosh Hashanah creative service at Temple Israel. I never miss it.

TCJ: What’s your favorite Jewish food?

Zoe: Latkes! Not the shredded potato kind though, I like the powdery ones straight from the box.

zoe and todd

Zoe with Todd Sandler

TCJ: Who is the coolest Jew?

Zoe: Todd Sandler because he is the new leader of NextGen and he is going to do very cool things.

TCJ: What’s your favorite thing to do in the Cities?

Zoe: Go out to eat! I love all the great restaurants we have.

TCJ: How are you coping with this cold?

Zoe: By embracing it! I love to go on walks, snowboard at Hyland and wear fun winter scarves 🙂

TCJ: Give us one more reason why you’re folking awesome!

Zoe: I am always up for an adventure!

Click here to nominate your favorite TC Jew to be featured on our weekly Who the Folk?! series!