Welcome to “Who the Folk?!” Every week on Monday we feature a new member of the community as our “Person of the Week.” Last week week we got to know Kimmy Lear. This week meet David Milavetz! Know someone we should feature? Nominate them by sending an email to bradley@tcjewfolk.com.
TC Jewfolk: Are you from the Twin Cities?
David: I am! I grew up in Mendota Heights. I went to college at the University of Denver but came back here for my masters program.
TCJ: What did you get your masters in?
David: I received my Masters of Public Policy last May. My focus was on Nonprofit Management and Public Leadership.
TCJ: Now that you have that degree, what are you doing with it?
David: Good question. I am currently an evaluator in the Science Museum of Minnesota’s evaluation department. I also do a bit of strategic consulting and have been fortunate to work with a wide variety of organizations.
TCJ: SHAMELESS PLUG: TC Jewfolk just announced our new membership program, as part of our big annual fundraiser. And you’re on the TC Jewfolk board. Why do you support TC Jewfolk?
David: I had been looking for a way to get involved and give back to the Jewish community in the Twin Cities and saw TC Jewfolk as a great way to do that! I’m biased, but I think the coolest part about being involved with TC Jewfolk is how innovative the work is. I have a passion for art and creativity and feel that this is very prominent in TC Jewfolk’s culture and work.
TCJ: Are you involved in any other TC organizations?
David: Yes! I sit on a leadership board for a Youthprise engagement project called Project H.O.P.E. (Helping Overcome Potential Endangerment). This is a project focused on engaging at-risk youth in Minneapolis by helping develop skills and fostering relationships between youth and mentors. Ultimately, the youth will be planning their own arts event that will take place in downtown Minneapolis!
TCJ: We’re taking an informal survey. Which of the many Jewish summer camps gets you most ferklempt?
David: That’s a hard question. I enjoyed all of the ones that I attended. I guess I would have to say that Herzl was my favorite.
TCJ: What’s your favorite Jewish food?
David: Blintzes, because they’re delicious. Not the frozen kind, but real, homemade blintzes. If anyone knows a recipe or place to get them please let me know!
TCJ: Have you been to Israel? What is your favorite memory?
David: I have. I went to Israel in the summer of 2006. My favorite part was probably walking through the Old City in Jerusalem. Just an incredible amount of history and things to see and do.
TCJ: What’s your favorite summer activity?
David: That is a toss-up between going for a run along the river or a BBQ with friends. Who am I kidding? The BBQ definitely wins.
TCJ: What’s your favorite thing to do in the Cities (any time of year)?
David: Though it has seriously impeded on my cooking skills, one of my favorite things to do is search for the best restaurants in the Twin Cities. I’m not ready to crown anyone yet, but Seven, Blue Door Pub and Amazing Thailand are high on the list.
TCJ: Give us one more reason you’re folking awesome!
David: I really enjoy connecting with the Twin Cities Jewish community and hope to meet many of you soon!
Click here to nominate your favorite TC Jew to be featured on our weekly Who the Folk?! series!