We’re Celebrating 2015 By Giving Away an iPad! Because We Love You!

ipad giveawayYou know you love us too.

We here at Jewfolk Media have a lot to celebrate as we close out 2015. We’ve had a record number of visitors to TC Jewfolk, we have had an incredibly busy and successful first year with two full-time staff, and we have many awesome projects in the works for 2016!

And we’re not done yet. We’re counting on you, dear readers, to help us keep doing what we’re doing. Will you consider a year-end gift to us?  You can be a Builder’s Circle member for only $15/month or $180/year. In case you missed it this summer, here are six important reasons to give generously to TC Jewfolk.
(By the way, making a contribution is not at all related to the contest but we figured while we had your attention, we’d put in a shameless plug for your support. Because we know you love us.)

Back to the giveaway: All you have to do to enter is email contest@TCJewfolk.com (be sure to include your name) before the final minute of 2015 and you will be entered to win this iPad Air! How awesome is that?

One lucky person will win an Apple – iPad® Air with Wi-Fi – 16GB – Silver (Model: MD788LL/A), thanks to a generous gift from an anonymous donor!  (Shipping is not included). All contest participants will automatically be signed up for our e-newsletter full of interesting articles, local events and people you might just know. You many unsubscribe at any time, but obviously you won’t. We will never sell your personal information.