A Prayer For Voting

Many Minnesotans may have already cast their votes, but for the majority of us, we’ll be casting our votes on Nov. 8. This election cycle has been…something. While many (all?) of us are praying for it simply to be done, perhaps a prayer before we vote is in order.

The prayer was originally written by Rabbi David Seidenberg of Northampton, Mass., and was sent to us by Beth El Synagogue in St. Louis Park.

A Prayer for Voting

Here I am ready with my vote to seek peace for this country, as the Prophet Jeremiah said: “Seek peace for the city to which I exile you,” Help me choose wisely that the vote I cast lead to blessing and prosperity for this Land.

May it be good in Your eyes, Adonai my God and God of my ancestors, that you give a heart of wisdom to those whom we choose today. Give to us and to all the peoples of this country the strength and will to pursue righteousness and to seek peace. Raise up a government for the sake of goodness and blessing for all your people Israel and for all the inhabitants of the world.

Just as I choose leaders and officials today so may I recognize my own responsibility to repair the world in the days to come. Then will the words of the Psalmist come to pass, “May God bless the work of my hands, May God truly establish the work of my hands.”

This feels pertinent. Especially this year.