Pimp Ur Pa$$over

Have your seders been good but not, well, fabulous? Lacking a little je ne sais quoi? That sort of Mariah Carey at the gym in heels vibe? Everyone loves their cutesy homemade afikomen bags and passed down seder plates, but guys, we are free. Fresh out of slavery! Free AF. And if you ask me it’s time we let ourselves really indulge. I’m not just talking about bringing a pillow to sit on, I’m talking a full out Pimping of your Passover. Here are just a couple ideas on how to bling out your celebration

  1. Trade in your bubbie’s seder plate for one so shiny you won’t be able to stop looking at your beautiful, free, Jewish face. I’d go for the multi-layer one because nothing says easy storage like odd shapes.
  2. Elijah’s coming down in his hot rod chariot, we should be greeting him with an equally fire cup. He’s basically the celeb guest of the night, he should be treated as such.
  3. Wandering around for 40 years was hard on the feet. Treat yo’self and yo’guests with these velvet chairs! Sitting through even the longest seder won’t seem so bad in these. Added bonus? Prop your guests’ tired feet up with an ostrich feather pillow.
  4. You want your Passover reenactment to really stand out, so give the people what they want! COSTUMES! This Versace robe and slippers screams Pharoah. The only thing more fabulous than the parting of the Red Sea would have been this Swarovski encrusted staff. Let your Moses be a little #extra this year.
  5. We couldn’t even find ONE diamond encrusted Afikomen cover, which is a tragedy in itself, so we are suggesting you go get a plain white one, buy a bedazzler, some Swarovski crystals and go crazy. Bling it out so much that diamonds become the 11th plague.