Chewfolk’s 1st Annual Jewish Food on A Stick Contest!

Food and sticks. A love story as old as time. A perfect pairing we only really get to experience once a year at The Great Minnesota Get Together. The Jewish food world is vast and delicious, but we feel it does lack a certain…Stickiness. That is why we are proud to announce the first annual Jewish Food On A Stick Contest! 

It’s exactly what it sounds like. We want you to cook up some Jewish food and stick it on a stick. The contest will run for two weeks! Week 1: Aug. 20- Aug. 24 or Week 2: Aug. 27-Aug. 31 Here’s are the details:

  1. Register (FREE!) your food using the form at the bottom of this article!
  2. Bring it to the TC Jewfolk Offices @ the Sabes JCC on the date/time you choose when you register.
  3. Food must be on a stick (Duh!)
  4. Food must be Jewish (Check out Tablet’s 100 for inspo)
  5. Winner receives a $100 Visa Giftcard, their recipe featured on AND they will become our first Chewfolk influencer!

What is a Chewfolk? We’re looking for Jewish foodies in the TC area to take over our Chewfolk Instagram with drool-worthy food pics! We want a team on the ground checking out the hottest new Jewish restaurants and bars. Chewfolk also digs into home cooked meals, sharing recipes, chef stories, and more. If you’re interested in being a part of the TC Jewish foodie scene email us at

Registration Form: