Escaping The Abuse Of My Past

My entire childhood is bound within six albums, they’re stacked full of certificates, letters I’ve written to the newspaper. They chronicle smiling photos of my late grandparents, they follow my […]

Missing My Beloved Synagogue

If you had told me February 29 was the last time I would attend services for who knows how many weeks – months really – I would have stopped and […]

Who The Folk?! Ronen Pink

Who knew that having a 3D printer would be so important right now? Ronen Pink certainly didn’t. But the tool he bought himself eight years ago with Bar Mitzvah money […]

Running With An Idea

Five weeks into our quarantine and I feel that my family has been doing what everyone else is doing. We adopted a new kitten, started an herb garden, and tried […]

Friendly Visitors Available to Chat

JFS’s new Friendly Remote Visitor program (FRV), created to combat the isolation and loneliness of the COVID-19 stay at home directive, has recruited and trained a group of volunteers who are eager to help. If you or anyone you know could benefit from a phone call with a friendly volunteer, just to check in, chat a bit, and reassure them that someone cares, please contact Margie Solomon at (651) 690-8907 or by email at [email protected].