Marnie Marmet Celebrating Launch Of Memoir

Marnie Marmet had always wanted to write a book, but hadn’t set out to write a memoir. Still, after a year of online writing classes, that was exactly what she had produced.

“You had to write every day, Monday through Friday. And then on Fridays, we had to write a longer piece to get feedback from the other people in the class and from the instructor,” she said. “Over the course of a year, my memoir just came out of me.”

The book, “My Song, Unleashed,” comes out Aug. 8 with a launch party at ModernWell (2909 Wayzata Blvd. S., Minneapolis). Marmet takes readers through her journey of personal transformation. She explores things like the loss of a young nephew, to drug and alcohol addiction of people in her life. From the painful experiences that make her question everything to the beautiful revelations that bare the truth, she shares what every woman needs to know: When you pay attention to and trust your voice, it leads you to what you truly want and value and, ultimately, what makes your heart sing.

The book that Marmet thought she was going to write was a book that compiled inspirational stories of women who battled cancer. It was conceptualized several years ago when her mother was going through breast cancer. As a health and wellness coach, Marmet was going to weave tips that were “outside of Western medicine” with those stories.” 

“My mom went into remission, and then I was so sick of cancer. I [couldn’t] even think about this anymore,” she said. “There is a chapter in the book about my mom’s cancer. And I do mention this experience with these women. But this book has nothing to do with that book.”

Marmet said the book contains stories that she needed to get out of herself.

“I’ve had a number of people pre-read the book now and I think that there are so many chapters and things in the book that people can relate to,” she said. “I do know that my story will not resonate with everybody. And that’s okay. But the feedback that I’ve gotten verbally has been great. I feel like if my story resonates with just two people, and I inspire or empower them, or they can see themselves in my story, that feels really good to me.”

The book can be preordered from Marmet’s website, Amazon or Barnes & Noble.