Jewfolk’s Editorial and Comment Policies

Editorial Policy: 

Jewfolk strives to present an open forum for discussion and reflection on any and all issues that we feel will resonate with the local Jewish community. Jewfolk is a space where a diversity of Jewish views and opinions can be presented, and we encourage dialogue, debate, and discussion on these issues.

We publish Op-Ed pieces that are important to our readers even though the topic might be sensitive or provocative. The opinions expressed in these pieces are those of the individual author(s) or commentor(s); they do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Jewfolk, Inc. 

Jewfolk will endeavor to present multiple and diverse viewpoints on sensitive subjects as long as the discourse is respectful. We will occasionally publish content by an employee or representative of an organization, but those are marked accordingly and reflect the opinions and policies of said organization and/or the author, not Jewfolk.

The Jewfolk Editor, in conjunction with the Editorial Committee and Board of Directors, reserves the right to reject Op-Ed pieces for publication for any reason, including but not limited to ones that: don’t fit typical length requirements, are disrespectful, and/or those that duplicate views that have already been published.


Comment Policy:

Jewfolk welcomes and encourages open dialogue, debate, and discussion through comments on the website and Jewfolk’s social media properties. Comments are moderated by the Jewfolk editors to ensure that they fall within editorial guidelines. The editors reserve the right to exclude comments that do not follow these guidelines: Comments should be respectful and civil in tone. We will not tolerate personal attacks, racist, homophobic, sexist, or bigoted comments. Comments must be on-topic. If you have a new topic to raise, please contact the editor at to pitch it as an article. Spam is not allowed. We reserve the right to delete comments and ban commenters at our sole discretion.