Birthers and Truthers and Anti-Semites, Oh My!

From the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to today’s birthers and truthers: conspiracy theorists themselves are investigated in a new book by Jonathan Kay, who writes: “Not all conspiracy theorists are anti-Semitic, but all conspiracy movements—all of them—attract anti-Semites.”

Que Sera, Sera…

As AISH-MN Rabbi Da-vid Rosenthal explains: “Hashem has a plan, we need to relax and enjoy the ride.”

Finally, the Twin Cities' first "Jewish" Deli?

Okay, Rye, the new deli opening November 14 at 1930 Hennepin Ave. won’t really be the Twin Cities’ first Jewish deli. But unless I am mistaken, it will be the first deli to actually use the J-word. As in Jewish.