A Prairie College Passover
Keeping Passover while in a college can be a struggle, especially in a small town, but that is not the case for the Jewish students of Carleton College.
Keeping Passover while in a college can be a struggle, especially in a small town, but that is not the case for the Jewish students of Carleton College.
We all have THAT friend. But sometimes that’s not such a bad thing.
Have you ever felt like your mother is exactly like one on TV or movies? Here’s a look at some of the best Jewish mother characters in film.
Rabbi Joe Black’s Afikomen Mambo… now as beloved to her as jumping in puddles and blowing bubbles in the bath!
David Palay is single, without kids. But he has thoughts on giving allowance and how a Jewish perspective can teach fiscal responsibility. Do you agree with him?
AISH Rabbi Da-vid ponders how God wants us to respond to terror in Israel.
Ctr for Holocaust & Genocide Studies to host lecture at St. Paul JCC on uses & misuses of the “Z-Word” in today’s political discourse.
Ctr for Holocaust & Genocide Studies to host lecture at St. Paul JCC on uses & misuses of the “Z-Word” in today’s political discourse.
If good is to triumph, we must be committed to it. AISH MN Rabbi Da-vid Rosenthal asks, “What values are you willing to die for?”
The Minneapolis Jewish Film Festival’s Miryam Kabakov sits down with Eve Annenberg, whose film “Romeo and Juliet in Yiddish” will be shown at the upcoming festival.