The Simpsons Go to Israel … with Sacha Baron Cohen [UPDATED]

It has just been announced that Sacha Baron Cohen, the Jewish comic actor known for Borat and Bruno, will play a pushy Israeli tour guide on the Simpsons 21st season, set to air in the United States in March 2010. Simpsons producer Al Jean promised that the episode – named “The greatest story ever Doh’ed” – will “be a show that all faiths can come together and be offended by.”

Ask Shuli: Are e-mail apologies kosher?

The operative word is BEFORE Yom Kippur. On the “Day of Atonement,” we ask God for forgiveness, to wipe our slate clean for the New Jewish Year. Our sages have said—and this 21st century yenta heartily agrees—that it’s crucial to ask forgiveness from friends, associates and loved ones we’ve wronged, before we can ask for divine leniency.

Shavua Tov: this week’s big Jewish news, Rosh Hashanah edition

Another week has zoomed by, and you’re probably wondering, what did I miss in domestic and international Jewish news? Have no fear, your weekly dose of Jewish news is here, and just in time for second day Rosh Hashanah services. Print out your favorite article and bring it with you to read in shul – you have our permission.

Make this New Year count: a Rosh Hashanah message from the UJFC

This Rosh Hashanah, at a time of grave economic challenges, when many doors are closing on Jewish families, we must join together to open our doors, our hearts and our wallets to help lead them to freedom from hunger, freedom from uncertainty, freedom from despair

Noshin’ Recipe: Every New Year Needs Apple Pie

This treat screams love — like warm-hugs-from-your-mom-when-you-came-home-from-elementary-school love. Love that accepts you in sweatpants — in public. It says “I don’t need to impress you, I know you love me already (with or without this pie).” And that’s the way I want to start my new year — with some unconditional love. And pie.