Overheard at Starbucks
Max Leibowitz writes a sketch based on his latest trip to Starbucks.
Max Leibowitz writes a sketch based on his latest trip to Starbucks.
Rabbi Morris Allen of Beth Jacob was just named one of the Jewish Daily Forward’s 33 most inspiring American rabbis of 2015. We talked briefly with him about the honor.
Combining a pole dancer, crumbling synagogue, feisty friends, 1930s porn videos, a local Jewish day school, religious awakening…and a ghost, If You Don’t Weaken centers on a young woman’s quest to observe a year-long ritual of mourning for her grandfather.
Are you looking for a seder to attend? Do you have extra seats at your seder table? We want to be your Passover seder matchmaker! Fill out the form to find a match!
Friends from all over the country marvel at this strange fact of city-born life. I have never lived in a house.
I’ve been attending the AIPAC Policy Conference with the Minnesota delegation in Washington, D.C., for the better part of a decade. And this year, I was proud to join nearly 200 other Minnesotans lobbying all of our elected members of the United States House and Senate.
The couples will receive the Ner Tamid award, an honor given to those who show exemplary leadership and commitment to HMJDS.
My new friend wondered if I could be a good Jewish role model to her and this is my answer. I could be one of the good people you surround yourself with; in fact I’d be honored to be. But I think what’s way more important, is to trust yourself to be the role model you’re searching for. You know what lights your (Jewish) heart. Live it.
This year’s policy conference was marred with partisan controversy more than any other since the inception of the lobby.
Between the good dates and the bad ones, Josh Krauskopf has some stories to share. Good thing his friends find it so entertaining.