Who The Folk?! Lily Smith


Lily Smith says that when she was a kid, she was asked what she wanted to do when she grew up. Her response: famous; she just wasn’t sure how. Maybe, […]

Sha’arim+Gateways Offers Free Krav Maga Course


As a response to the antisemitism and fear that many in the Jewish community are facing, Sha’arim + Gateways is offering a program to help people feel a little safer.  […]

Who The Folk?! Kiel Majewski


Kiel Majewski always thought of himself as a spiritual person, and did his due diligence when it came to both religion and the school his kids would go to. And […]

The Science of Religion: Observations from a Jewish Astrophysicist


If you go camping in the Southern California desert, outdoorsy experts will tell you to bring heavy blankets and check your shoes for scorpions. But while you’re preparing for tent […]

Hillel’s Growth and Evolution Continues


Since the Hillel movement began 100 years ago, and more so, since Minnesota founded our Hillel in 1940, investing in vibrant and engaged Jewish communities and the development of college […]